Wout Muller, Between Fantasy and Realism

Luscious landscapes, beautiful nudes and dreamlike worlds: the paintings by Wout Muller (1946-2000) are both fascinating and unique. Erotic themes are the often found in his oeuvre, as well as symbolism. The artist mainly used dreamy greens and blues, but wasn’t afraid to incorporate brighter hues as well and knew exactly how to balance these colours against each other. With his master of techniques and unsurpassed imagination, Muller is rightly perceived as one of the most important figures within the movement of Contemporary Realism.

Wout Muller
Kunst Gemaskerde vrouw van Wout Muller kopen?
Gemaskerde vrouw
33 x 30 cm  -  1985
€ 12.500,-

電話號碼: +31-88-1003100
電子郵件地址: info@collectieharms-rolde.nl

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  • Matthijs Röling
  • Matthijs Röling
  • Matthijs Röling
  • Matthijs Röling